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SG1: Season 2
Episode 44: Was That It? (Out of Mind)
Tegan and Silvana watch the Season 2 (Season 2 Episode 22) finale and are really glad when it is over.
Episode 44: A George-ous Episode (1969)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 21, "1969" - a fan favorite with iconic outfits and fun time travel!
Silvana has beef with the space/time mechanics of this episode and both hosts wish Michael and Jenny from the past were connected to SG1's future.
Episode 43: All The Goa'uld Board Meetings (Show and Tell)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 20, "Show and Tell". Stargate Command encounters the Retu, for the one and only time. They grow a kid ambassador, because that makes sense.
Episode 42: Hot Ass Teletubbies (One False Step)
Silvana, Tegan, and their friend, Eric, watch season 2, episode 19, "One False Step." Wow these mushroom people are weird! But is it a bad episode? Eric will make his case for why it is one of the best episodes.
Episode 41: This Is Just My Day Job (Serpent's Song)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 18, "Serpent's Song". They wanted to like it, they really did. But this heavily character driven episode is missing some panash. Silvana goes so far as to say it is like a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.
Episode 40: Explosion, Explosion, Explosion, Sean Bean Dies At The End (Holiday)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 17, "Holiday". Daniel Jackson is body swapped with an old man named Ma'chello, who then goes out on the town with Fred and Daniel Jackson's credit card.
Michael Shanks also guest stars as Ma'chello. We love this episode of Stargate SG-1!
Episode 39: Supermassive Black Hole (A Matter of Time)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 16 "A Matter of Time". A black hole threatens the SG-C and all of planet Earth. Overall, a really fun episode with a lot of fun time dilation stuff. Michael Shanks was busy with the new baby, perhaps? As this is a Daniel free episode.
Episode 39: If You Give Macgyver the Ancient Repository... (The Fifth Race)
Silvana and Tegan watch one of their favorite episodes: season 2, episode 15, "The Fifth Race". Jack is whammied by an Ancient repository of knowledge and needs Daniel to translate him. At the end we get a face to face with one of the four ancient races themselves.
Episode 38: Mystery Stargate Theater 2022 (Touchstone)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 14, "Touchstone" and do live commentary. In their first ever live commentary episode, Silvana and Tegan advocate for the Jack/Maybourne bromance
Episode 37: Who Shot RDA? (Spirits)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 13, "Spirits". Silvana wonders who fired the fateful arrow that took Jack out of commission for the first half of the episode. Sam gets her "first command" but how much of it does she really lead? An interesting intersection of symbiotic cultures leave Tegan and Silvana wanting more details; both enjoy a lot more of this episode than they remembered from previous watches. Tegan notices a strange similarity with "Friends".
Episode 36: The Only American Tok'ra (The Tok'ra Part 2)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 12, "Tok'ra: Part 2". A continuation of the previous episode where SG-1 meet the Tok'ra and are being held captive until the Tok'ra move on. Silvana and Tegan wonder why are there never any other Tok'ra hosts offered by the SG-C? Did Jacob Carter agree to be a Tok'ra host too readily? Silvana wonders if there is a requirement for RDA to become Macgyver in his episodes. Also, why does it take the Tok'ra so freaking long to evacuate?
Episode 35: Do Wizards Poo? (The Tok'ra Part 1)
Silvana and Tegan watch season 2, episode 11, "Tok'ra Part 1". They speculate about the Tok'ra culture and one glaring plothole about their existence. Why are there no Tok'ra Harsesis children? Tegan and Silvana drool a bit over Martouf/Lantash... sorry/not sorry. Do symbiotes poo? Do Wizards? Is "Everybody Poops" a lie? Tegan and Silvana also wonder why the Tok'ra don't have their own version of Social Security Numbers. Seriously, aren't there a limited number of you?
Episode 34: Get Jeff Goldblum! We have a Bug Transformation Problem (Bane)
Silvana and Tegan enjoy Season 2, Episode 10, "Bane". In this episode, Teal'c is stung by a giant bug and starts transforming. Things are not looking good for our star when he is rescued by an unlikely heroine.
Episode 33: The Confinment of Sha're Jackson (Secrets)
Silvana and Tegan watch and comment on season 2, episode 9, "Secrets". Daniel Jackson returns to Abydos to find his wife pregnant. He's not a happy camper about it; who would be? Sha're certainly isn't either. Silvana and Tegan prefer the B plot that takes place in Washington and appreciate Teal'c's brilliant thinking. They much prefer this Teal'c to the Teal'c of the previous episode.
Episode 32: Thanks, We Don't Get It (Family)
In Season 2, Episode 8 "Family", Silvana and Tegan watch the follow-up to the episode "Bloodlines", which they covered in "Thanks, I Hate It". They still hate it, although slightly less, so there's that. This episode comes with Master Bae'tac, a new Mrs. Teal'c, froyo, and one of the best child actors of Stargate. The plot doctors are in! Tegan and Silvana are confused about why Teal'c does not get to stay with his family and why that is so fine with the characters. Also why is this romance still a thing?
Episode 31: Undomesticated Equines Couldn't Keep Us Away (Message in a Bottle)
Silvana and Tegan watch season 2, episode 7, "Message in a Bottle". In this episode, Jack is pinned to the wall in an episode as boring as lepidoptery. Sorry, lepidopterists. The team must figure out what the ultraviolet substance leaking from a device they brought back to earth is before it kills Jack and destroys the SG-C.
Episode 30: Kudos, Katharyn Powers (Thor's Chariot)
Katharyn Powers strikes again with a great episode in season 2, episode 6: "Thor's Chariot". This is a sequel to "Thor's Hammer" when the team has to address some of the mistakes of the past. Silvana and Tegan have high praise for this episode and are excited at the introduction of Thor (the real one)!
Episode 29: Revenge of the Bouncy Rocks (Need)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 5: "Need". This addiction allegory is a lot. It's got dating the princess, another Daniel death, and space magic. Daniel also conveniently forgets he has a wife.
Episode 28: Death By Bouncy Rocks (Gamekeeper)
Silvana and Tegan put on their plot doctor stethoscopes for this one! What kind of sickos find the death of Daniel Jackson's parents the most interesting thing in Dr. Jackson's brain? Half of this episode is a MacGyver episode. Silvana throws some shade at DC this time, Marvel gets a pass. Silvana argues that Daredevil is the best of the superhero stories. Silvana gives Tegan a crash course in fencing terms. Then, Silvana and Tegan play Star Trek word association.
Episode 27: An Address Book Full of Starbucks (Prisoners)
We demand Janet back! A different doctor this episode was weird. Silvana and Tegan suggest an alternate search and rescue episode involving Walter and Doc Fraiser. Silvana and Tegan discuss similarities with Red Dwarf and Star Trek episodes. SG-1 gets sent to prison after a misunderstanding. They then find a woman scientist who is akin to a magician.
Episode 26: All The Red Shirt Tok'ra (In The Line of Duty)
The Tok'ra train has left the station! Silvana and Tegan watch Season 2, Episode 2, "In The Line of Duty". Sam is taken over by a goa'uld! Will the team be able to save her? Who are the Tok'ra? Join us for one of the best episodes of Stargate! Silvana surprises Tegan with Star Trek facts! Just how much time did this Ashrak have in the hospital room? What did he learn at Ashrak Academy? Jack O'Neill should really be the head of security, what with his knowledge of security cameras on the base.
Episode 25: Ding! Your Daniel Is Ready (The Serpent's Lair)
Tegan and Silvana discuss Season 2, Episode 1, "The Serpent's Lair". SG-1 is in a very dire situation; how could they possibly escape from Apophis? Cree, Master Bae'tak! Tegan and Silvana discuss white saviorism and Silvana suggests some rewrites that involve the alpha site and the alternate version where Teal'c ran off in the Cor'ai episode to run the rebellion.